Canoe Slalom Coaches

Michal Smolen - Podium Elite/Te Pae Whakataki Coach

TBA - Podium Pathways Coach

Mike Dawson - Performance Pathways Manager and Gold/Koura Academy Coach

Mike Dawson is NZ Olympian 1136, having competed at both the London and Rio Olympics.  Mike has been one of New Zealand's best canoe slalomers for more than a decade, and is internationally renowned for his extreme kayak feats, having won a slew of titles in some of the biggest rapids on the planet, and through his expedition paddling.  As a keen skier, mountain biker, photographer and film-maker Mike has travelled the globe extensively.  Mike measures success by living his best life with a journey of challenges that empowers the soul and expands thinking.

Nico Baudoin - Silver/Te Pae Whakau Hiriwa Academy Coach

Josef Prochazka - Bronze/Te Pou Whakakite Kouraura Academy Coach
